May 01, 2007

A conversation

Today Heather was humming “Lua” by Bright Eyes. I wanted to kiss her.

Instead, I said, “Hey,” as she walked by, and she smiled at me and said “Hey” back.

Later, she walked by again and I said, “How are you?” and she said, “I’m good, how are you?”

I figured “on cloud nine” was not an appropriate response and I said, “Good, just studying for finals. I’m ready to be done with the semester.”

“Me, too,” she said. “How many finals do you have left?”

“Two,” I replied. “I’m all done on Thursday. What about you?”

“I don’t have any more tests, just two a rehearsal and a recital on Thursday.”

You can imagine how I was feeling when I heard she had a recital. It was part excitement that she might have a vocal recital, and part nervousness that she might be studying to be, say, a concert bassoonist or something. Not that there’s anything wrong with the bassoon; I’m sure it’s a fine instrument, just not when you’re someone as attractive as Heather. Playing the bassoon is not nearly as sexy as having a beautiful voice.

“Recital, huh? What instrument do you play?”

“I don’t play one. I mean, I do, or I did…I was in band in high school and I played the flute…but I’m focusing on vocal performance now.”

That’s when my heart stopped. I’m pretty sure it didn’t start again for several seconds and I’m sure she probably thought I was mentally challenged or having a stroke or something, since it seems like minutes passed before I was able to speak. Finally, I got it together enough to say, “Wow, vocal performance. That’s really impressive.”

“Yeah, I’ve always been interested in music. So it seemed like a good fit. I don’t know what I’m going to do with a degree in music, but I’m sure I’ll think of something. They always say ‘Do what you love and the money will follow’. There has to be some truth to that, right?”

I couldn’t believe that she was still speaking to me, and I was kind of mesmerized by the sound of her voice, especially now that I knew that she was indeed a good singer.

“I’m sure there is. I’m still trying to figure out what it is that I love to do. I’m not so sure money follows when you’re reading and drinking beer.”

I’m sure she was thinking This guy is a complete idiot, but she laughed. Then she said, “Well, it’s almost time for me to clock out, so I need to clear these tables before Wyatt has a conniption fit. Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow?”

And I said yes, maybe she would see me tomorrow, and then I left Brews Brothers, skipping down the sidewalk. Okay, so I wasn’t really skipping, but my heart definitely was.

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