April 25, 2007

Some thoughts between customers

Ugh. Why did I say I would take the opening shift this weekend? Shouldn't I be enjoying myself, like everyone else? Wyatt owes me big time for this. Why the hell does he need Saturday morning off, anyways? Oh, that's right. He's got the idea that he can still hang with the college kids until all hours of the night, and bounce back the next morning. He can't. I bet he hasn't been able to do that for 10, 15 years. I guess I shouldn't complain, though. As far as bosses go, Wyatt and Wendell are alright, good even. They are laid-back, as laid back as a 40-year-old gay man and his underachieving younger brother can be. Since I'm the new girl, I take hours when I can get them. Even if they come at 6 in the morning. I keep telling myself that I'll have the afternoon free, like it matters. I'll just end up crawling into bed and trying to take a nap. That is, if I don't help myself to too many lattes to keep me going at work. One good thing about "The W's" not being around is that there's no one to care or say anything when we "sample" some drinks.

I'm trying to get the nickname of "The W's" going for Wyatt and Wendell, it seems to me like they should have some sort of nickname. But it's not catching on. Who names their kids Wyatt and Wendell? And why am I asking so many questions? I guess I have to for entertainment. There only people in here right now are the weekend regulars, the kids at Sheffield University that don't go out, and therefore have a good GPA. Mine's not bad, but I haven't really been challenging myself. Being a voice major has been a lot of fun, so far. People always ask me what I want to do with a degree in music, and I always tell them the same thing: I don't know. I hoping to figure that out in the next couple of years. For now, I'm just doing what everyone says should be done; I'm doing something that I love. I don't want to be one of those students who are majoring in something that they don't like and realize it too late. There's a guy in the music department, either instrumental or music education or something, who studied computer engineering for almost four years before deciding he didn't like it, and switched schools and majors. I admire him for recognizing his situation and switching before he started working in a job he hated, but I don't know why he just didn't go into music in the first place. Live and learn, I guess.

I've worked at the Brews Brothers coffee shop for a few weeks now; I decided that I should finally get a job, I can't keep siphoning off Mom and Dad, even though they won't say it themselves. They've got the money to help, but eventually I'll need to stand on my own feet. Hopefully not standing on them for eight hours at a time serving wanna-be authors their caffeine fix, but it's a start.

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