April 26, 2007

The Regulars

Like I said, I've only worked at Brews Brothers for a few weeks now, close to a month. My best friend Dana works there, and helped get me the job. It seemed like it would be a decent place to work, everyone that I had met from there was cool, and I knew about some of the coffee drinks. I had no idea that people could be so anal about their coffee drinks, though. Some want their cappuccino to be exactly 158 degrees, one guy wants the whipped cream on his frappe to be no less than 1/2 of an inch, but no more than 3/4 of an inch above the cup, and there's a girl that comes in semi-regularly that always orders a cappuccino but always means to order a latte. I don't know why she hasn't figured this out yet, but I kid you not, she takes about 2 minutes to figure out what she wants, and even then she's second-guessing herself. I've tried to help her, to remind her the difference, but it does no good. Luckily everyone at the counter knows what she wants when she walks in the door, so the drink she wants is ready for her, regardless of what she orders.

It didn't take too long for me to pick out the regular customers. Lucy, the coffee-confused, comes in Monday, Wednesday, and Friday around 1:15 and leaves a little before 2:30. Then there's a guy everyone just knows as "Pants" for some reason, who will come in, do 15 jumping jacks in the back near the restrooms, and then come up and order something iced and a cinnamon roll. There's a group of college students that come in and sit at one of our couches, trying to act like the cast of "Friends," but none of them are attractive or funny. There are the high school students who act like they're college students, but the always look too intimidated to actually enjoy themselves. There's this guy named Chad who always orders the same drink (an iced tea), gets the same cookie (peanut butter, though once or twice he's gotten the oatmeal) and sits at the same table. He seems to be friends with "The W's" somehow, but then, everyone that comes in knows one of them somehow. Like Danny, who comes in almost every day, orders a regular coffee, and sits and stares out the window for hours on end, and will only talk to Wyatt. Cindy makes small talk with everyone, employees and other customers alike, while she waits for her strawberry soda. She thinks my name is Liz for some reason, I swear I've told her at least 20 times it's Heather. I guess I'll be Liz to her. And these are just the people during the week. On nights and weekends, there are whole other crowds. The regulars are usually my favorites, I'm even starting to talk to them on occasion, when there's not a line out the door and people yelling for their double shots. Wendell said I needed to get better about that, that I'm too quite and reserved. So my goal is to say hi to at least 3 people every hour, aside from when I take their orders.

Crap, I didn't look at the time. . . I'm late for my study group. Gotta love calculus. I don't know how I'm going to use it in the music field, but the university seems to think that I will. At least I have the night off to work on some backed-up homework.

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