October 16, 2007

Schoole daze

I'm into my second month of classes this semester, and they're kicking my ass pretty badly. Why does a voice major have to take calculus? Taking on a few students hasn't helped my situation, either. But I love kids, I love listening to them sing, I love how they don't care who hears them or what they sound like. They just have fun. If they could tell me how to do integrals, it would be the perfect job!

Yes, I'm still working at Brews Bros, but not nearly as often. Between class, giving and taking private lessons, and trying to squeeze in sleeping occasionally, there aren't many hours to devote to the espresso machines. Not that it's a bad thing, my hair doesn't smell like coffee all the time anymore (people think they like the aroma of coffee. They haven't been around it for 8 hours a day for an entire summer.) and I've cut back on my sugary drink intake. Plus, Wyatt got the idea that employees should start paying something for their drinks, even while on the job, so it's gotten a little less fun. And the employee turnover that we've had has been bad. This new crop of fresh faces seem alright, but they're nowhere near as fun as some of the old crew.

Chad and I are "dating" right now. What that exactly means, who knows. Neither of us have much time, he's doing an internship at a local radio station in addition to trying to get things lined up to graduate in the spring. His internship isn't exactly what he expected, unfortunately. He thought he would be assisting the DJ's, maybe running the switchboards and eventually even getting some airtime. Instead, he's opening mail, sorting through files, listening to people bitching about each other behind their backs, and basically being a glorified secretary. To top it off, he's not getting paid for it, so he still has to spend his weekends at the bank. So when we do have time together, most of it is spent venting to each other, or sleeping. He does come in to see me on my occasional shifts at Brews, but usually in the middle of the day he's so flustered he doesn't seem to enjoy his iced teas as much. He still loves the cookies, though.

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