October 16, 2007

The incredible mind suck

Heather and I are dating. This is exciting, of course, but what it exactly means, I'm not sure. I mean, we get to have sleepovers, and I buy her flowers every once in awhile, and I'm pretty sure I'm in love with her but am terrified to tell her, but when we run into people at the movies or at a bar or whatever, and I introduce her, I just say, "This is Heather." I don't know if I'm supposed to say "This is my girlfriend." So I just don't. Things are going great, and I don't want to fuck anything up.

The end of the summer was crazy. There was a lot of alcohol consumed, and a lot of drunken debauchery, and a few injuries obtained while wakeboarding and windsurfing. Luckily, Heather was around to kind of keep me in check. If not for her, I probably would be dead. I'm still kicking it at the lakehouse, but Devon and Derek both ended up moving out and into an apartment in Sheffield, so Devon's brother and one of his friends moved in. They're both super smart -- engineering majors of some sort -- and don't do a whole lot of partying, which is actually kind of a nice change of pace from the summer. The house is also a whole lot cleaner now that there aren't a hundred people tromping through the place all hours of the day.

I got an internship at a radio station, to fit in with my "communication studies" major. I don't have a clue what I want to do with my career, but I'm pretty sure I don't want one in radio. I thought I would get a little bit more of a behind-the-scenes look at the radio industry, but what's actually happened is that I get to do the radio industry's bitchwork, like opening mail and occasionally getting to go on Brews Brothers runs for the morning on-air "personality," Suzie Summers, who is really just a bitch. The best part of the mind-numbing, life-sucking internship is that in addition to not learning anything, I am also not getting paid. This means that I'm still working weekends at the credit union, and any extra hours I can squeeze in during the week when I'm not doing school or internship stuff.

My mom was also diagnosed with breast cancer at the end of July, and she's going through chemotherapy and doing the radiation thing. She's lost her hair but she certainly hasn't lost her spirit, or her ability to nag me to get married and give her grandchildren. It's been tough, but it turns out my mom's a pretty amazing person. But on the weekends -- at least those that I'm not working my ass off -- I've been spending as much time as I can with my family. It's actually pretty relaxing, and I've never been one to complain about homecooked meals.

So, that's my current life in a nutshell: I kind of have a girlfriend (maybe), I have an internship that isn't paying me anything either money-wise or experience-wise, I'm still dispensing cash to people who are actually making money, and I have no time to spend with the aforementioned would be/could be/maybe girlfriend. But things are pretty good. I can't complain.

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